child dedication

What is child dedication?
Dedicating a child is a life long commitment. This is an opportunity for you to stand before God and the church and dedicate yourselves as parents who will, to the best of your ability, bring up your child in the love, admonition, and teachings of the Lord.
We, as a church family, will pledge to support you in every possible way in your commitment to establish and maintain a Christian home. This is why commitment to church membership is required.
Child dedication is not to be confused with baptism, christening, or child salvation. We believe children are to be baptized in the same manner as adults, in obedience to God after choosing to put their trust in Christ as their personal Savior.
To have your child dedicated at Compassion:
We ask parents about their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We ask parents to be sure their beliefs align with Compassion's Doctrine.
We ask parents to be regular attenders of Compassion's weekend services.
We ask parents who are living together and who are not married to take steps to acknowledge and follow God’s plan for their relationship before participating in a child dedication service.
We are open to having conversations with anyone regarding the above statements. If you'd like to schedule a day to dedicate your child/children to the Lord, please complete the form below to plan your special day!
